This can be an overwhelming process for some people especially when you begin receiving documents through the mail that look foreign to you. This is why we are here to help you prepare your taxes quickly, thoroughly & most importantly with integrity. So here is a small list of those document that most people may receive during the tax year.
Income documents:
Income from jobs: forms W-2 for you and yourspouse
Investment income—various forms 1099 (-INT,-DIV, -B, etc.), K-1s, stock option information
Income from state and local income tax refundsand/or unemployment: forms 1099-G
Taxable alimony received
Business or farming income—profit/lossstatement, capital equipment information
If you use your home for business—home size,office size, home expenses, office expenses
IRA/pension distributions—forms 1099-R, 8606
Rental property income/expense—profit/Lossstatement, rental property suspended loss information
Social Security benefits—forms SSA-1099
Income from sales of property—original costand cost of improvements, escrow closing statement, cancelled debt information(form 1099-C)
Prior year installment sale information—forms6252, principal and Interest collected during the year, SSN and address ofpayer
Other miscellaneous income—jury duty, gamblingwinnings, Medical Savings Account (MSA), scholarships, etc.